Attendance and Punctuality 

Attendance and punctuality are vital to the education of your child. Research shows that good attendance has a link to better academic outcomes as well as contributing to the wider participation and enjoyment of school. That is why staff at Broadway First School promote good attendance and timekeeping and offer support to those families where barriers exist. That is why all pupils have a target of at least 96% for their attendance, which is monitored throughout the year. A copy of our Attendance and absence Policy can be found [here].

A child with an attendance rate of just 90% equates to missing 4 weeks across a year. It also places the child in the persistent absence category. Arriving at school on time is also of great importance. Arriving late means that your child misses the start of the day and the first activity. This often puts your child in a difficult position of having to enter a room late whilst everyone else is settled and missing vital input to the first activity. Being 5 minutes late every day means your child will lose 25 minutes every week. 

If anyone has any difficulties with attendance or arriving on time then please contact the school so that we can discuss your situation in more detail. 

Please view the chart below to see the impact of absence and lateness:


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